V1) Scale of ambition: At present the capacity of skill development in India is around 3.1 million persons per year. The 11th Five Year Plan envisions an increase in that capacity to 15 million annually. India has target of creating 500 million skilled workers by 2022. Thus, there is a need for increasing capacity and capability of skill development programs.
V2) High inclusivity: The skill development initiatives will harness inclusivity and reduce divisions such as male/female, rural/urban, organized/unorganized employment and traditional/contemporary workplace.
V3) Dynamic and demand-based system planning: The skill development initiatives support the supply of trained workers who are adjustable dynamically to the changing demands of employment and technologies. This policy will promote excellence and will meet the requirements of knowledge economy.
V4) Choice, competition and accountability: The skill development initiative does not discriminate between private or public delivery and places importance on outcomes, users‟ choice and competition among training providers and their accountability.
V5) Policy coordination and coherence: The skill development initiatives support employment generation, economic growth and social development processes. Skill development policy will be an integral part of comprehensive economic, labour and social policies and programmes. A framework for better coordination among various Ministries, States, industry and other stakeholders will be established.
To support the Skill India Campaign of Government of India and develop a skill acquired community, NSIDC launched skill development training programs.